
Worldcoin Foundation unveils new SMPC system, deletes old iris codes

Just recently, the Worldcoin foundation, alongside TACEO, applied new secure multi-party computation (SMPC) for Machine Learning to Iris codes. The latest developments allow Worldcoin to establish an individual’s uniqueness. 

The foundation unveiled a new open-source system that reportedly handles biometric information more safely and securely.

Considering the sensitivity around biometric data and personal data in general, Worldcoin has been compelled to continue building new technologies that align with stringent data protection measures.

The new open-source software is currently available in the Github repository for interested developers to use and improve.

The foundation, together with TACEO, aims to establish a new standard for data security, necessitating the development of this new technology.

As a result, the Foundation successfully deleted iris codes previously collected while retaining the ability to establish uniqueness among individuals.

Worldcoin Foundation applies SMPC

The SMPC stands for Secure Multi-Party Computation. The protocol itself is accessible on the GitHub repository. The Foundation decided to apply SMPC concurrently with Worldcoin’s existing Iris codes to ascertain their reliability.

Also Read: Worldcoin Aims For Tech Partnerships Despite Regulatory Struggles

The change to the new SMPC system requires 1152 cores and 3.6TB memory, and it uses 5 Gbps bandwidth across all parties. Despite the bump in system requirements, the new technology realizes faster implementation times, achieving up to 10,000X more.


Earlier attempts to use the SMPC technology have proven significantly challenging, considering the highly intensive computations required.

The heavy system requirements have stifled its use, especially in biometric template protection. An excerpt from an International Red Cross research paper on SMPC reads

“While SMC-Janus [an SMPC solution] offers the strongest data protection, its cost makes it unsuitable for large aid distribution projects.”


The Foundation has reportedly considered several solutions available for biometric template protection. Nearly all of them fell short of the requirements, leaving only two options on the table. The homomorphic encryption also known and HE and SMPC.

Both have been reported to provide sufficient privacy, security, and accuracy; however, according to the Foundation, SMPC offers a slightly better technology for uniqueness verification.

The adjustments administered by the foundation also improve the overall performance of the SMPC, enhancing its performance to exceptional levels.

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